Running Adaptive Head Cleaning

If the nozzles are clogged, the printouts become faint, there is visible banding, or unexpected colors appear. Selecting Adaptive Head Cleaning repeats a nozzle check and cleaning cycle to clean the print head.

When there is a problem in printing quality or when printing large quantities, we recommend using the Adaptive Head Cleaning feature. Select the menus on the printer's control panel as described below.

Settings > Maintenance > Print Head Cleaning > Adaptive Head Cleaning

  • Do not open the front cover or turn off the printer during Adaptive Head Cleaning. If the print head cleaning is incomplete, you may not be able to print.

  • Because Adaptive Head Cleaning may repeat print head cleaning several times, it may take a long time and consume a large amount of ink.

  • Because print head cleaning uses some ink, it may not be performed when ink is low.

  • Drying causes clogging. To prevent the print head from drying out, always turn the printer off by pressing the button. Do not unplug the printer while the power is on.