Printing Is Too Slow

The following causes can be considered.

Unnecessary applications are running.


Close any unnecessary applications on your computer or mobile devices.

The print quality is set to high.


Lower the quality setting on the printer driver. You may not be able to select a lower quality setting on some printer models.

Print Speed Priority is disabled.


Select Settings on the home screen, select General Settings > Printer Settings > Print Speed Priority, and then select On.

Quiet Mode is enabled.


Disable Quiet Mode. The printing speed slows down when the printer is running in Quiet Mode.

Select on the home screen, and then select Off.

Drying takes a while for 2-sided printing.


For 2-sided printing, one side of paper is printed and dried, and then the other side is printed. Because the drying time differs depending on the environment, such as temperature or humidity, or the print data, the printing speed may be slower.

Depending on the print data and environment, the printer takes time to process print jobs, or slows down the print speed to maintain print quality.