> Printing > Printing Documents > Printing from a Computer - Windows > Printing Multiple Files Together

Printing Multiple Files Together

Job Arranger Lite allows you to combine several files created by different applications and print them as a single print job. You can specify the print settings for combined files, such as multi-page layout, and 2-sided printing.

  1. On the printer driver's Main tab, select Job Arranger Lite, and then click OK.

  2. Click Print.

    When you start printing, the Job Arranger Lite window is displayed.

  3. With the Job Arranger Lite window opened, open the file that you want to combine with the current file, and then repeat the above steps.

  4. When you select a print job added to Print Project Lite in the Job Arranger Lite window, you can edit the page layout.


    When binding, click File menu, and then select Print Settings to open the printer driver. On the Main tab, click Restore Defaults, and then click OK on the displayed screen. Enable 2-Sided Printing, and then click Booklet Settings. Select Booklet, select the options you want to use, and then click OK. Click OK to close the printer driver.

  5. Click Print from the File menu to start printing.


    If you close the Job Arranger Lite window before adding all the print data to the Print Project, the print job you are currently working on is canceled. Click Save from the File menu to save the current job. The extension of the saved files is "ecl".

    To open a Print Project, click Job Arranger Lite on the printer driver's Maintenance tab to open the Job Arranger Lite window. Next, select Open from the File menu to select the file.