/ Scanning (Customized) / Creating a New Job / Detailed Settings for File Type / Microsoft® Excel® Output Settings

Microsoft® Excel® Output Settings

This screen allows you to make detailed settings when saving as Microsoft® Excel® files.

*: Only available for specific models.



Text Language

Select the language of the original.

Saving Contents

Select how you want to save the content on the pages.

Save all contents: Saves the entire page.

Save only tables: Saves only the tables on the page.

Data Format*

Select Save numbers as numerical value to save numbers in the text as numeric data. Otherwise, numbers are saved as numeric characters.


Select the resolution for images in the file.

Select Resolution when scanned to maintain the image quality of the original. When there are multiple images in the file, the file size becomes large when saving the file.

If you want to reduce the file size, select from Low (72dpi)/Middle (150dpi)/High (300dpi). If the selected resolution is higher than the scanning resolution, the images are saved using the scanning resolution.

Low (72dpi): The images are saved at a resolution of 72 dpi.

Middle (150dpi): The images are saved at a resolution of 150 dpi.

High (300dpi): The images are saved at a resolution of 300 dpi.

Resolution when scanned: The images are saved at the same resolution as when they were scanned.

Saving Sheets

Select how you want to save the scanned pages.

Save sheets as a single file: If your document has multiple pages, each page is divided into sheets and saved as a single book file.

Save each sheet as separate files: If your document has multiple pages, each page is saved as a single book file. A book file is created for the document pages.

  • Depending on your scanner, you may not be able to save in this file format unless EPSON Scan OCR Component Ver. 2.1 or later is installed.

  • Text in originals needs to be clearly typed or printed.

  • The scanning resolution needs to be within 200 to 400 dpi.

  • The files are saved in xlsx format.
