Make sure you installed EPSON Software Updater.
Download the Uninstaller using EPSON Software Updater.
Once you have downloaded the Uninstaller, you do not need to download it again each time you uninstall the application.
Disconnect the scanner from your computer.
To uninstall the scanner driver, select System Preferences from the Apple menu > Printers & Scanners (or Print & Scan, Print & Fax), and then remove the scanner from the enabled scanner list.
Quit all running applications.
Select Go > Applications > Epson Software > Uninstaller.
Select the application you want to uninstall, and then click Uninstall.
The Uninstaller removes all drivers for Epson scanners on the computer. If you use multiple Epson scanners and you only want to delete some of the drivers, delete all of them first, and then install the necessary scanner drivers again.
If you cannot find the application you want to uninstall in the application list, you cannot uninstall using the Uninstaller. In this situation, select Go > Applications > Epson Software, select the application you want to uninstall, and then drag it to the trash icon.