LDAP Server Search Setting Items


Settings and Explanation

Search Base (Distinguished Name)

If you want to search an arbitrary domain, specify the domain name of the LDAP server. Enter between 0 and 128 characters in Unicode (UTF-8). If you do not search for arbitrary attribute, leave this blank.

Example for the local server directory: dc=server,dc=local

Number of search entries

Specify the number of search entries between 5 and 500. The specified number of the search entries is saved and displayed temporarily. Even if the number of the search entries is over the specified number and an error message appears, the search can be completed.

User name Attribute

Specify the attribute name to display when searching for user names. Enter between 1 and 255 characters in Unicode (UTF-8). The first character should be a-z or A-Z.

Example: cn, uid

User name Display Attribute

Specify the attribute name to display as the user name. Enter between 0 and 255 characters in Unicode (UTF-8). The first character should be a-z or A-Z.

Example: cn, sn

Email Address Attribute

Specify the attribute name to display when searching for email addresses. Enter a combination of between 1 and 255 characters using A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and -. The first character should be a-z or A-Z.

Example: mail

Arbitrary Attribute 1 - Arbitrary Attribute 4

You can specify other arbitrary attributes to search for. Enter between 0 and 255 characters in Unicode (UTF-8). The first character should be a-z or A-Z. If you do not want to search for arbitrary attributes, leave this blank.

Example: o, ou