Adding a WSD Scan Device

Depending on your environment, you may need to add a WSD scan device on your computer.

The following procedure is an example for Windows 10. The procedure may differ depending on your environment.

  1. Display the device list.

    Click the start button, and then select Settings > Devices > Printers & scanners.

  2. Click Add a printer or scanner.

  3. Select your scanner, and then click Add device.


    If you do not know the device name of your scanner, you can check the name on the scanner's control panel.

    Select Settings > Network Settings > Network Status on the scanner's control panel, and then select the active connection method status to check the Device Name.

    The procedure is complete when the scanner is added to the list.

  • You can change the WSD scan event. Click the scanner you added, and then click Manage > Scanner properties > Properties > Events.

  • You can add a WSD scan device from the Windows Control Panel.

    Select Control Panel > Hardware and Sound > View devices and printers, and then click Add a device.