CSR Setting Items


Settings and Explanation

Key Length

Select a key length for a CSR.

Common Name

You can enter between 1 and 128 characters. If this is an IP address, it should be a static IP address. You can enter 1 to 5 IPv4 addresses, IPv6 addresses, host names, FQDNs by separating them with commas.

The first element is stored to the common name, and other elements are stored to the alias field of the certificate subject.


Scanner's IP address :, Scanner name : EPSONA1B2C3

Common Name : EPSONA1B2C3,EPSONA1B2C3.local,

Organization/ Organizational Unit/ Locality/ State/Province

You can enter between 0 and 64 characters in ASCII (0x20-0x7E). You can divide distinguished names with commas.


Enter a country code in two-digit number specified by ISO-3166.

Sender's Email Address

You can enter the sender's email address for the mail server setting. Enter the same email address as the Sender's Email Address for the Network tab > Email Server > Basic.