Cannot Import a CA-signed Certificate

CA-signed Certificate and the information on the CSR do not match.

If the CA-signed Certificate and CSR do not have the same information, the CSR cannot be imported. Check the following:

  • Are you trying to import the certificate to a device that does not have the same information?

    Check the information of the CSR and then import the certificate to a device that has the same information.

  • Did you overwrite the CSR saved into the scanner after sending the CSR to a certificate authority?

    Obtain the CA-signed certificate again with the CSR.

CA-signed Certificate is more than 5KB.

You cannot import a CA-signed Certificate that is more than 5KB.

The password for importing the certificate is incorrect.

Enter the correct password. If you forget the password, you cannot import the certificate. Re-obtain the CA-signed Certificate.