> Scanning > Basic Information on Scanning > Recommended File Formats to Suit Your Purpose

Recommended File Formats to Suit Your Purpose

Generally speaking, the JPEG format is suitable for photos while the PDF format is suitable for documents.

See the following descriptions to choose the best format for what you want to do.

File Format


JPEG (.jpg)

A file format that allows you to compress the data to be saved. If the compression ratio is high, the image quality declines, and you cannot convert the image back to the original quality.

This is the standard image format for digital cameras. This format is suitable for images that have many colors.

PDF (.pdf)

A general file format that can be used across different operating systems and provides the same level of screen display and print result.

Also, you can save the multiple pages as a one file.

You can view PDF files using dedicated PDF reading software or in Web browsers.