MS Network Setting items



Use Microsoft network sharing

Select when enabling MS Network sharing.



Enable the protocol you want to use. You can only enable SMB1.0 or SMB2/SMB3.

File Sharing

Select whether to enable file sharing or not.

Enable it for the following situations.

  • Forwards the scan result to the shared folder on the computer.

User Name

Set the user name for user authentication. Enter between 1 and 127 characters in ASCII except "/\[]:;|=,+*?<>@%. However, you cannot enter a single period or a combination of the period "." and a space alone.


Set the password for user authentication. Enter between 1 and 64 characters in ASCII. However, you cannot just set 10 asterisks "*".

Encrypted Communication

Set whether to enable encrypted communication or not. You can select it when Enable is selected on User Authentication.

Host Name

Display the MS Network host name of the printer. To change this, select the Network tab > Basic, and then change the Device Name.

Workgroup Name

Enter the work group name of MS Network. Enter between 0 and 15 characters in ASCII.

Access Attribute

Set the Access Attribute of file sharing.

Shared Name(USB Host)

Display as the shared name when sharing the file.