You can print a watermark such as "Confidential" or an anti-copy pattern on your printouts. If you print with an anti-copy pattern, the hidden letters appear when photocopied in order to distinguish the original from the copies.
Anti-Copy Pattern is available under the following conditions:
Paper: Plain paper, Copy paper, Letterhead, or High quality plain paper
Quality: Standard
Tone Correction: Automatic
You can also add your own watermark or anti-copy pattern.
Load paper in the printer .
Open the file you want to print.
Access the printer driver window.
Click Watermark Features on the More Options tab and select the type of anti-copy pattern or watermark you want to use.
Click Settings to change details such as the size, density, or position of the pattern or the mark.
Set the other items on the Main and More Options tabs as necessary, and then click OK.
Click Print.