Destination Setting Items


Settings and Explanation

Common Settings


Enter a name displayed in the contacts in 30 characters or less in Unicode (UTF-8). If you do not specify this, leave it blank.

Index Word

Enter words to search in 30 characters or less in Unicode (UTF-8). If you do not specify this, leave it blank.


Select the type of the address that you want to register.

Assign to Frequent Use

Select to set the registered address as a frequently used address.

When setting as a frequently used address, it is displayed on the top screen of fax and scan, and you can specify the destination without displaying the contacts.


Fax Number

Enter between 1 and 64 characters using 0-9 - * # and space.

Fax Speed

Select a communication speed for a destination.


Email Address

Enter between 1 and 255 characters using A-Z a-z 0-9 ! # $ % & ' * + - . / = ? ^ _ { | } ~ @.

Network Folder (SMB)

Save to

\\“Folder path”

Enter the location where the target folder is located between 1 and 253 characters in Unicode (UTF-8), omitting "\\".

User Name

Enter a user name to access a network folder in 30 characters or less in Unicode (UTF-8). However, avoid using control characters (0x00 to 0x1f, 0x7F).


Enter a password to access a network folder in 20 characters or less in Unicode (UTF-8). However, avoid using control characters (0x00 to 0x1f, 0x7F).


Save to

Enter the server name between 1 and 253 characters in ASCII (0x20-0x7E), omitting "ftp://".

User Name

Enter a user name to access an FTP server in 30 characters or less in Unicode (UTF-8). However, avoid using control characters (0x00 to 0x1f, 0x7F). If the server allows anonymous connections, enter a user name such as Anonymous and FTP. If you do not specify this, leave it blank.


Enter a password to access to an FTP server within 20 characters or less in Unicode (UTF-8). However, avoid using control characters (0x00 to 0x1f, 0x7F). If you do not specify this, leave it blank.

Connection Mode

Select the connection mode from the menu. If a firewall is set between the printer and the FTP server, select Passive Mode.

Port Number

Enter the FTP server port number between 1 and 65535.