Storage Settings

Select the menus on the control panel as described below.

Settings > General Settings > Storage Settings

Shared Folder Access Control:
  • Access

    Select whether or not to allow the use of the shared folder (fixed).

  • Operation Authority

    Select to restrict creating, editing, and deleting folders to administrators or users.

  • Automatic Delete Setting Authority

    Select to restrict automatic deletion setting of the stored files to administrators or users.

Shared Folder File Management:
  • Automatic File Deletion

    Select whether or not to delete the stored files automatically.

  • Period Until Deletion

    Set the time period until the automatic deletion. It starts counting from when the file was saved or last used. When a new shared folder is created, the setting here is applied to the new folder. You can also change the setting for each folder later.

  • Apply to All Shared Folders

    Applies Automatic File Deletion and Period Until Deletion settings to all the shared folders.

Personal Folder File Management:

The settings below are applied to every personal folder. You cannot make settings for each folder.

  • Automatic File Deletion

    Select whether or not to delete the stored files automatically.

  • Period Until Deletion

    Set the time period until the automatic deletion. It starts counting from when the file was saved or last used.

Additional Action:
  • Delete File after Output

    Select whether or not to delete files after printing or saving.

  • Access Control

    When Allowed is selected, a checkbox is displayed on the File List screen and you can select whether or not to delete the file after printing or saving.

View Options:

Select the display format for the Folder List and the File List screens.

Search Options:
  • Begins with

    Displays folders and files that begin with the keyword used in the search.

  • Ends with

    Displays folders and files that end with the keyword used in the search.

  • Includes

    Displays folders and files that include the keyword used in the search.