Unregistered Bulletin Board:

You can find Unregistered Bulletin Board in Fax Box > Polling Send/Board. Select one of the Unregistered Bulletin Board boxes. After registering a board, the registered name is displayed on the box instead of Unregistered Bulletin Board.

You can register up to 10 bulletin boards.

Bulletin Board Box Settings:
Name (Required):

Enter a name for the bulletin board box.


Make or change the conditions for a recipient to receive the fax.


Make or change the conditions for a recipient to receive the fax.

Box Open Password:

Set or change the password used to open the box.

Delete Document After Sending:

Setting this to On deletes the document in the box when the next request from a recipient to send the document (Polling Send) is completed.

Notify Send Result:

When Email Notifications is set to On, the printer sends a notification to the Recipient when a request to send the document (Polling Send) is completed.