Basic Settings (When Optional Fax Boards Installed)

You can find the menu on the printer's control panel below.

Settings > General Settings > Fax Settings > Basic Settings


On the Web Config screen, you can find the menu below.

Fax tab > Basic Settings

Expansion Line Settings:
  • Fax Speed

  • ECM

  • Dial Tone Detection

  • Dial Mode

  • Line Type

  • Your Phone Number

  • Rings to Answer

  • Fax Speed

  • ECM

  • Dial Tone Detection

  • Dial Mode

  • Line Type

  • Your Phone Number

  • Rings to Answer

The functions for each item are the same as for standard faxing. See "Related Information" below for details on each item.

Transmission Setting By Line:

Select an option for standard line G3-1 according to how it will be used (sending only, receiving only, or sending and receiving). When any optional fax board is not installed (standard faxing only), this corresponds to Sending and Receiving.


Select an option for extension line G3-2 according to how it will be used (sending only, receiving only, or sending and receiving).


Select an option for extension line G3-3 according to how it will be used (sending only, receiving only, or sending and receiving).