Select your printer model

Parameters are refined by the selected printer.

oncommandreply event

Receives response data from a device acquired by executing sendCommand.



Parameters of callback function

Parameter: data

Object type: Object

Properties of data object



Object type


Response data string


Supplementary explanation

  • Since response data from a device may be divided into several packets, be sure to check if the entire response data has been received with the oncommandreply event.
    When the response data is divided into multiple packets, multiple oncommandreply events occurs. Wait for the succeeding data before proceeding with the process.
  • When a communication error occurs, communication disconnection is not notified.
    To notify the disconnection event, implement the onreconnecting event, onreconnect event, ondisconnect event.

Quick Access

  • [Name]
  • [Format]
  • [Range]
  • [Description]
  • [Notes]

Epson ePOS SDK includes patented or patent pending functions. The contents must not be disclosed to third parties.

Epson ePOS SDK for JavaScript

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