> Scanning > Scanning Using the Scanner's Control Panel > Scanning to a Network Folder > Destination Menu Options for Scanning to a Folder

Destination Menu Options for Scanning to a Folder


Open the Edit Location screen. Enter the folder path and set each item on the screen.

  • Communication Mode

    Select the communication mode for the folder.

  • Location (Required)

    Enter a folder path in which to save the scanned image. Enter the folder path in the following format.

    When using SMB: \\host name\folder name

    When using FTP: ftp://host name/folder name

    When using FTPS: ftps://host name/folder name

    When using WebDAV (HTTP)*: http://host name/folder name

    When using WebDAV (HTTPS)*: https://host name/folder name

    *SharePoint Online is not supported when scanning to Network Folder/FTP from the scanner's control panel.

    If you want to save the scanned image to SharePoint Online, use Document Capture Pro after installing the SharePoint Online Connector. See the Document Capture Pro manual for details.


  • User Name

    Enter a user name to log on to the specified folder.

  • Password

    Enter a password corresponding to the user name.

  • Connection Mode

    Select the connection mode for the folder.

  • Port Number

    Enter a port number for the folder.

  • Proxy Server Settings:

    Select whether or not to use a proxy server.


Select a folder in which to save the scanned image from the contacts list.