Setting Items for Editing the Destination

Communication Mode:

Select the communication mode for the folder.

Location (Required):

Enter the network path for the destination folder in an appropriate format for the Communication Mode selected.

  • Network Folder (SMB):\\host name (computer name)\folder name

  • FTP: ftp://host name (server name)/folder name

  • FTPS: ftps://host name (server name)/folder name

  • WebDAV (HTTPS): https://host name/folder name

  • WebDAV (HTTP): http://host name/folder name


Scanning to Network Folder/FTP from the scanner's control panel does not support SharePoint Online.

User Name:

Enter the login user name for the computer on which the destination folder was created.


Enter the login password for the computer on which the destination folder was created.

Connection Mode:

Select the connection mode for the folder.

Port Number:

Enter a port number for the folder.

Proxy Server Settings:

Select whether or not to use a proxy server.