Printout is Scuffed, Color is Missing or Banding or Unexpected Colors Appear
Printout Differs from Normal Printing, Such as Scuffed Thin Lines and Faint Print Colors (When Printing Files Saved in Storage from a Computer)
Printout Comes Out as a Blank Sheet
Paper Is Smeared or Scuffed
Images or Photos are Printed in Unexpected Colors
The Position, Size, or Margins of the Printout Are Incorrect
Printed Characters Are Incorrect or Garbled
Mosaic-Like Patterns in the Prints
Printer Does Not Print Correctly While Using PostScript Printer Driver
Print Quality Is Poor While Using PostScript Printer Driver
Copies are Scuffed, Color is Missing or Banding or Unexpected Colors Appear
Blurry Copies, Vertical Banding, or Misalignment
Printout Comes Out as a Blank Sheet
Paper Is Smeared or Scuffed
The Position, Size, or Margins of the Copies are Incorrect
Uneven Colors, Smears, Dots, or Straight Lines Appear in the Copied Image
Moiré (Cross-Hatch) Patterns Appear in the Copied Image
An Image of the Reverse Side of the Original Appears in the Copied Image
Uneven Colors, Dirt, Spots, and so on Appear when Scanning from the Scanner Glass
Straight Lines Appear when Scanning from ADF
Blurry Scans, Vertical Banding, or Misalignment
Offset Appears in the Background of Scanned Images
Cannot Scan the Correct Area on the Scanner Glass
Cannot Solve Problems in the Scanned Image