Select your printer model

Parameters are refined by the selected printer.


This element allows you to create or delete a window on the display, and change the current window.

  • Specify "number", "x", "y", "width", and "height" to create a new window.
  • Specify "true/1" for "destroy" to destroy the window specified by "number".
  • To change the current window to another window, specify only "number".



Attribute value


"1" to "4"

Specifies the window number.


Attribute value


"1" to "44"

Specifies the origin of the X coordinate.


Attribute value


"1" to "19"

Specifies the origin of the Y coordinate.


Attribute value


"1" to "44"

Specifies the window width.


Attribute value


"1" to "19"

Specifies the window height.


Attribute value


"overwrite" (default)

When the cursor is at the rightmost position of the upper line, displaying a new character moves the cursor to the leftmost position of the lower line. When the cursor is at the rightmost position of the lower line, displaying a new character moves the cursor to the leftmost position of the upper line.


When the cursor is at the rightmost position of the upper line, displaying a new character moves the cursor to the leftmost position of the lower line. When the cursor is at the rightmost position of the lower line, displaying a new character scrolls up the characters on the lower line and clears the lower line.


When the cursor is at the rightmost position, displaying a new character scrolls all the characters already displayed on the cursor line to the left by one character and the new character is displayed at the rightmost position.


Attribute value


"true" / "1"

Destroys the window specified by "number"

"false" / "0" (default)

Not destroy

Error status




The "x", "y", "width", and "height" specified for a new window overlap with those of an existing window.


When changing the current window, the destination window does not exist.

Sample program

  • Defines "window 1" that has 10 width and 2 height starting from the upper left of the display, and scrolls vertically.
    <window number="1" x="1" y="1" width="10" height="2" scrollmode="v_scroll"/>
  • Defines "window 2" that has 10 width and 2 height starting from the center of the display, and scrolls vertically.
    <window number="2" x="11" y="1" width="10" height="2" scrollmode="v_scroll"/>
  • Changes the current window to "window 1"
    <window number="1"/>
  • Destroys "window 2"
    <window number="2" destroy="true"/>

Supplementary explanation

  • When adding a new window, make sure that the window area on the customer display does not overlap with that of existing window(s)
  • If you specify "number", "x", "y", "width", and "height", and specify "true/1" in "destroy", neither of the processes (create and destroy window) is performed.

Quick Access

  • [Name]
  • [Format]
  • [Range]
  • [Description]
  • [Notes]

ePOS-Print XML includes patented or patent pending functions. The contents must not be disclosed to third parties.

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