Select your printer model

Parameters are refined by the selected printer.


This element allows you to sound buzzer.



If "pattern", "repeat" and "cycle" are not specified, the values shown below are set.

  • pattern: pattern_a
  • repeat: 1
  • cycle: 1000


Attribute value





Pattern A (optional external buzzer)


Pattern B (optional external buzzer)


Pattern C (optional external buzzer)


Pattern D (optional external buzzer)


Pattern E (optional external buzzer)


Error sound pattern (optional external buzzer)


Paper empty sound pattern (optional external buzzer)


Pattern 0 (built-in buzzer)


Pattern 1 (built-in buzzer)


Pattern 2 (built-in buzzer)


Pattern 3 (built-in buzzer)


Pattern 4 (built-in buzzer)


Pattern 5 (built-in buzzer)


Pattern 6 (built-in buzzer)


Pattern 7 (built-in buzzer)


Pattern 8 (built-in buzzer)


Pattern 9 (built-in buzzer)


Pattern 10 (built-in buzzer)


Attribute value




"1" to "255"

1 to 255


Attribute value


"1000" to "25500"

Specifies the buzzer sound cycle in units of milliseconds

Sample program

Sounds the pattern A buzzer three times.

<epos-print xmlns="">
	<sound pattern="pattern_a" repeat="3" />

Supplementary explanation

  • This does not work in the page mode.
  • The buzzer function cannot be used with the drawer function.
  • When "pattern_0" is specified in "pattern", a value that can be set in "repeat" is 1 to 2.
  • When "pattern_0" is specified in "pattern", a value that can be set in "cycle" is 1000 to 6000.
  • You can specify "cycle" only when specifying "pattern_0" to "pattern_10" in "pattern".

Quick Access

  • [Name]
  • [Format]
  • [Range]
  • [Description]
  • [Notes]

ePOS-Print XML includes patented or patent pending functions. The contents must not be disclosed to third parties.

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