Select your printer model

Parameters are refined by the selected printer.

HybridPrinter2 object

Controls the hybrid printers.



Device lock

lock method

Locks the device port.

unlock method

Unlocks the device port.

Print method

selectPaperType method

Sets the print method.

Paper feed

waitInsertion method

Waits for paper insertion.

cancelInsertion method

Cancels the paper insertion wait status.

Paper eject

ejectPaper method

Ejects the paper.

Data transmission

sendData method

Sends a print command.


print method

Prints the HTML5 Canvas.


readMicrData method

Reads by MICR.

cleanMicrReader method

Cleans the MICR mechanism.


recover method

Recovers from a recoverable error.


reset method

Resets the printer.

Status monitor

startMonitor method

Enables the status event.

stopMonitor method

Disables the status event.

Command buffer

setMessage method

Direct manipulation of command buffer

getMessage method

Direct acquisition of command buffer


halftone property

Halftone processing method for raster images

brightness property

Brightness compensation value for raster images

Forced transmission

force property

Forced transmission mode

Print method acquisition

paperType property

Acquires the print method setting.

Monitor interval

interval property

Printer status update interval

Wait time

waitTime property

Time from insertion of a paper to start of operation

40cpl mode

enable40cplMode property

Enables the 40cpl mode.

Drawer open

drawerOpenLevel property *

Drawer open level

Reception of result

onreceive event

Response document reception event

onstatuschange event *

Status change event

ononline event *

Online event

onoffline event *

Offline event

onpoweroff event *

No response event

oncoverok event *

Cover close event

oncoveropen event *

Cover open event

onpaperok event *

Paper remaining event

onpaperend event *

Paper end event

onpapernearend event *

Paper almost running out event

ondrawerclosed event *

Drawer close event

ondraweropen event *

Drawer open event

* Event common to Printer object.


Quick Access

  • [Name]
  • [Format]
  • [Range]
  • [Description]
  • [Notes]

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Epson ePOS SDK for JavaScript

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