
ANK model

ANK model is a model that only supports 1-byte code characters. In other words, it is a model that does not support multi-byte code characters. ANK stands for Alphabet Numeric Kana.

South Asia model

South Asia model is a model that supports Thai fonts and Vietnam fonts.

Normal commands

Normal commands are all the commands except real-time commands. The normal commands are stored in the receive buffer temporarily and then processed sequentially.

Real-time commands

Real-time commands are the commands executed when received. After executing, they are stored in the receive buffer and then discarded as undefined codes when the normal commands are processed.
Commands beginning with DLE (hexadecimal: 10h / decimal: 16) are defined as Real-time commands.

Receive buffer

The receive buffer is used to store data from the host computer. All received data is stored in this buffer and processed in the order received. Buffer capacity depends on the printer model used.

Print buffer

The print buffer is used to store image data for printing.

Print buffer-full

This state occurs when the print buffer becomes full.

Print buffer-full printing

If new print data (such as characters or bit images) or horizontal tabs are processed in Standard mode when the print buffer is full, the image data already stored in the print buffer is printed, and a line feed is executed. This is the same operation as LF. The data (print data or horizontal tab) that causes the print buffer-full is processed from the beginning of the next line.
If new print data (such as characters or bit images) or horizontal tabs are processed in Page mode when the print buffer is full, the printer moves the print position to the beginning of the next line (the same operation as LF) and processes the data (print data or horizontal tabs) that causes the print buffer-full.

Beginning of the line

The beginning of the line meets all of the following conditions:
  • No data exists in the print buffer.
  • No spaces are skipped by HT in the print buffer.
  • The print position has not been specified by ESC $ or ESC \.
In Standard mode, the beginning of the line is the left margin.

Printable area

This is the maximum printable area specified for each printer model.
This can be changed by setting the paper width with GS ( E   <Function 5> or DIP switch or setting of paper layout that is supported by the label printer model.

Printing area

This is the printing range set by a command. The printing area should be equal to or smaller than the printable area. In Standard mode, the printing area is set by GS L and GS W, and in Page mode, it is set by ESC W.

Ignoring a command

This is the printer state in which the printer does nothing after receiving all codes, including parameters.

Horizontal/vertical direction

Horizontal direction is the direction that is perpendicular to the paper feed direction. Vertical direction is the paper feed direction. in Page mode, however, horizontal/vertical direction differs, depending on the print direction of a character, not the paper feed direction.


The baseline for character sets that are 9 dots high (for example, 7 × 9 and 9 × 9) is the invisible line marking the bottom of the character matrix (the bottom of the lowest dot possible). For other character sets, the baseline is the bottom of all characters, excluding descenders, such as the bottom parts of "g" and "y", which are below the baseline.

Setting commands

Setting commands change printer status by processing a command and affect printer operation and print results thereafter. The commands that can specify enhanced characters, set paper feed amount, and select a character are setting commands as are some of the normal commands.

Executing commands

Executing commands affect printer operation and change the printer status temporarily but do not affect the following printer operation. Functions of printing, paper cutting, and status transmission are executing commands and the real-time commands and some of the normal commands are executing commands.


Most Significant Bit


Least Significant Bit

Obsolete commands

These are commands that will not be supported by future printer models. The description of each of these commands gives a better command to use for the same function.

"Reserved" bit

"Reserved" bits are as follows:
  • Bit that will be used for an extended function in the future.
  • Bit that has a function in the ESC/POS specification; however, the printer does not support the function.
Use a bit with a value indicated in a table.

"Fixed" bit

Use a bit only with a value indicated in a table.


UIB stands for Universal Interface Board.
It is an optional interface board developed for TM printers. With a UIB, TM printers can accept various kinds of interfaces.
The following printers do not support UIB.
TM-P60, TM-P60II, TM-P80, TM-T20

Quick Access

  • [Name]
  • [Format]
  • [Range]
  • [Description]
  • [Notes]

ESC/POS® includes patented or patent pending commands. The contents must not be disclosed to third parties.

ESC/POS® Command Reference for TM Printers

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