Select your printer model
Parameters are refined by the selected printer.
Creates a new window, deletes a specified window, or moves the current window.
- Specifying the number, x, y, width, and height attributes creates a window.
- Specifying the number attribute and specifying "true/1" in the destroy attribute deletes the specified window.
- Specifying the number attribute only moves the current window to the specified window.
Attribute value |
Description |
“1” to “4” |
Specifies the window number. |
Attribute value |
Description |
“1” to “44” |
Specifies the x-coordinate on the customer display of window origin. |
Attribute value |
Description |
“1” to “19” |
Specifies the y-coordinate on the customer display of window origin. |
Attribute value |
Description |
“1” to “44” |
Specifies the window width. |
Attribute value |
Description |
“1” to “19” |
Specifies the window height. |
Attribute value |
Description |
“overwrite” |
“v_scroll” |
“h_scroll” |
Attribute value |
Description |
“true” / “1” |
Destroys the window specified by "number" |
“false” / “0” |
Not destroy |
Supplementary explanation
- When the number, x, y, width, and height attributes are specified, and the destroy attribute is set to true/1, window creation processing is not executed, nor is deletion processing.
- After using <textarea>, the origin position of the x and y attributes of <text> and <cursor> appear in the top left of the window set in <textarea>.
- This operation does not occur when column/row fixed mode is set in <screen>.
Quick Access
- [Name]
- [Format]
- [Range]
- [Description]
- [Notes]
ePOS-Device XML includes patented or patent pending functions. The contents must not
be disclosed to third parties.
- Introduction
- help
- Message
- CommunicationBox Messages
- Device Messages
- DeviceHubTerminal
- BarcodeScanner
- Printer
- <type>print</type>
- <type>onxmlresult</type>
- <epos-print>
- <response>
- <text>
- <feed>
- <image>
- <logo>
- <barcode>
- <symbol>
- <hline>
- <vline-begin>
- <vline-end>
- <page>
- <area>
- <direction>
- <position>
- <line>
- <rectangle>
- <cut>
- <pulse>
- <sound>
- <command>
- <layout>
- <recovery>
- <reset>
- <batch-begin>
- <batch-end>
- <rotate-begin>
- <rotate-end>
- HybridPrinter
- <type>lock</type>
- <type>unlock</type>
- <type>print</type>
- <type>onxmlresult</type>
- <type>slipwaitinsertion</type>
- <type>slipprint2</type>
- <type>slipcancel</type>
- <type>endorsewaitinsertion</type>
- <type>endorseprint2</type>
- <type>endorsecancel</type>
- <type>validationwaitinsertion</type>
- <type>validationprint2</type>
- <type>validationcancel</type>
- <type>micrread</type>
- <type>micrcleaning</type>
- <type>micrcancel</type>
- <type>eject</type>
- <type>onreceive</type>
- CustomerDisplay
- Keyboard
- POSKeyboard
- SerialDevice
- Storage
- OtherPeripheral
- Appendix