Select your printer model

Parameters are refined by the selected printer.


Creates a new window, deletes a specified window, or moves the current window.

  • Specifying the number, x, y, width, and height attributes creates a window.
  • Specifying the number attribute and specifying "true/1" in the destroy attribute deletes the specified window.
  • Specifying the number attribute only moves the current window to the specified window.



Attribute value


“1” to “4”

Specifies the window number.


Attribute value


“1” to “44”

Specifies the origin of the X coordinate.


Attribute value


“1” to “19”

Specifies the origin of the Y coordinate.


Attribute value


“1” to “44”

Specifies the window width.


Attribute value


“1” to “19”

Specifies the window height.


Attribute value



  • When the current display position is at the rightmost position of the upper line, move the display position to the leftmost position of the lower line.
  • When the current display position is at the rightmost position of the lower line, move the display position to the leftmost position of the upper line.
  • The character currently displayed at the target position will be overwritten.


  • When the current display position is at the rightmost position of the upper line, move the display position to the leftmost position of the lower line.
  • When the current display position is at the rightmost position of the lower line, moves the characters currently on the lower line to the upper line, erases the contents of the lower line, and then moves the display position to the leftmost position of the lower line.


  • When a new character is displayed while the current display position is at the rightmost position, shifts the entire line by one character to the left and displays the new character at the rightmost position.
  • Does not feed the line.


Attribute value


“true” / “1”

Deletes the window specified by number.

“false” / “0”

Does not delete the window.

Error condition

Error value



The x, y, width, and/or height values of the new window coincident with the area of an existing window.


The window specified as the new current window does not exist.

Sample program

  • Defines a window "1" of which origin is at the upper-left corner, width is "10," and height is "2" and which scrolls vertically.
    <window number=”1” x=”1” y=”1” width=”10” height=”2” scrollmode=”v_scroll”/>
  • Defines a window "2" of which origin is at the center, width is "10," and height is "2" and which scrolls vertically.
    <window number=”2” x=”11” y=”1” width=”10” height=”2” scrollmode=”v_scroll”/>
  • Moved the current window to window 1.
    <window number=”1”/>
  • Deletes window 2.
    <window number=”2” destroy=”true”/>

Supplementary explanation

  • When creating an additional window, pay attention so that the new window does not overlap an existing window on the customer display.
  • If the number, x, y, width, and height elements are specified and the destroy attribute is set to "true/1," no window is created nor deleted.

Quick Access

  • [Name]
  • [Format]
  • [Range]
  • [Description]
  • [Notes]

ePOS-Device XML includes patented or patent pending functions. The contents must not be disclosed to third parties.

ePOS-Device XML

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