Select your printer model

Parameters are refined by the selected printer.


Sends the print command.

The return value of this API is the result of sending data to the devices.

When data transmission to the device by this API is completed, the ID, etc. specified in the jobNumber parameter is notified to the callback method set in the setSendCompleteEventDelegate API of the Epos2LFCPrinter class.

When printing by this API is completed, the ID, etc. specified in the jobNumber parameter is notified to the callback method set in the setPrintCompleteEventDelegate API of the Epos2LFCPrinter class.

This API sends data buffered by an add-type API (e.g., addText).


- (int) sendLFCData:(long)timeout jobNumber:(long)jobNumber;



Specifies the timeout period before completion of sending in milliseconds.



Integer from 5000 to 600000

Timeout period (in milliseconds)


Specifies the default value (10000).


Specifies the ID to be assigned to a print job.



Integer from 0 to 4095

Job ID

Return value

Error status



The function was executed successfully.


An invalid parameter was passed.


Necessary memory could not be allocated.


An unknown error occurred.


The control commands have not been buffered.

This API was called while no communication had been started.

Supplementary explanation

  • If this API is called while communication is not available, printer states other than "connection" will be set to "EPOS2_UNKNOWN".
  • The status object is set to the status at the timing of execution of this API and will not be updated.
  • If this function is executed within a callback function, nil will be returned.
  • When data exceeding the size of the printer's buffer is sent, EPOS2_CODE_ERR_TIMEOUT is returned to setSendCompleteEventDelegate.
    If the EPOS2_CODE_ERR_TIMEOUT error occurs, the data sent may not be printed.
    Remove the printed paper to release the printer from the paper removal waiting state.
    If the error is not cleared after removing the paper, restart the printer.
  • When the printer is turned off (restarted), the print data stored in the printer's buffer is deleted.
  • If an error occurs during printing, printing resumes when the error is cleared.

Quick Access

  • [Name]
  • [Format]
  • [Range]
  • [Description]
  • [Notes]

Epson ePOS SDK includes patented or patent pending functions. The contents must not be disclosed to third parties.

Epson ePOS SDK for iOS

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