Select your printer model

Parameters are refined by the selected printer.


Enables printer status event notification.

Acquires and updates the printer status and notifies the callback function registered in setLFCStatusChangeEventDelegate.


- (int) startMonitor;

Return value

Error status



The function was executed successfully.


This API was called while no communication had been started.

Supplementary explanation

  • Use this API after starting a communication with the printer (after executing the connect API).
  • This API is not executed on the main thread. Execute it on the sub-thread.
  • All ASB information that has changed during the update interval is notified.

Quick Access

  • [Name]
  • [Format]
  • [Range]
  • [Description]
  • [Notes]

Epson ePOS SDK includes patented or patent pending functions. The contents must not be disclosed to third parties.

Epson ePOS SDK for iOS

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