Select the paper size and paper type you loaded in the paper source. You can make Favorite Paper Settings in paper size and paper type.
Select On to feed paper from the paper source set as A4 size when there is no paper source set as Letter, or feed from the paper source set as Letter size when there is no paper source set as A4.
These print settings are applied when you print by an external device without using the printer driver.
Adjust the top margin of the paper.
Adjust the left margin of the paper.
Adjust the top margin for the back of the page when performing 2-sided printing.
Adjust the left margin for the back of the page when performing 2-sided printing.
Select On to check the paper width before printing. This prevents printing beyond the edges of the paper when the paper size setting is incorrect, but this may lower the print speed.
Skips blank pages in the print data automatically.
Select an action to perform when a 2-sided printing error or a memory full error occurs.
Displays a warning and prints in single-sided mode when a 2-sided printing error occurs, or prints only what the printer could process when a memory full error occurs.
Displays an error message and cancels printing.
Select On to reduce noise during printing, however, this may lower the print speed. Depending on the paper type and print quality settings you selected, there may be no difference in the printer's noise level.