Commands in Code Order

DM-D30 DM-D70 DM-D110 DM-D210
BS Move cursor left Display position
HT Move cursor right Display position
LF Move cursor down Display position
HOM Move cursor to home position Display position
CLR Clear display screen Character Displaying
CR Move cursor to left-most position Display position
CAN Clear cursor line Character Displaying
ESC % Select/cancel user-defined character set Character Displaying
ESC & Define user-defined characters Character Displaying
ESC = Select peripheral device(s) Auxiliary function
ESC ? Cancel user-defined characters Character Displaying
ESC @ Initialize display Auxiliary function
ESC R Select an international character set Character Displaying
ESC W Select/cancel window range Window
ESC t Select character code table Character Displaying
US MD1 Specify overwrite mode Display position
US MD2 Specify vertical scroll mode Display position
US MD3 Specify horizontal scroll mode Display position
US LF Move cursor up Display position
US CR Move cursor to right-most position Display position
US # Turn annunciator on/off Character Displaying
US $ Move cursor to specified position Display position
US ( A Select display(s) Auxiliary function
US ( B Commands related to display information Auxiliary function
US ( B <Function 48> Transmits display information Auxiliary function
US ( D Select window range Window
US ( D <Function 01> Window definition Window
US ( D <Function 02> Window cancellation Window
US ( D <Function 04> Current window selection Window
US ( D <Function 06> Move cursor Window
US ( E User setting commands Customize
US ( E <Function 01> Change into the user setting mode Customize
US ( E <Function 02> End the user setting mode Customize
US ( E <Function 03> Set the memory switch values Customize
US ( E <Function 04> Sending and displaying memory switch values Customize
US ( G Specify character styles & Control of Kanji character mode Kanji control
US ( G <Function 35> Specify character styles Character Displaying
US ( G <Function 96> Kanji character mode on/off Kanji control
US ( G <Function 97> Select Kanji character code system Kanji control
US ( H Background color settings Character Displaying
US ( H <Function 34> Specifies the text background color (line specification). Character Displaying
US ( H <Function 35> Specifies the text background color (fixed format). Character Displaying
US ( K Select window control method Window
US ( K <Function 1> Screen layout selection Window
US ( K <Function 2> Base window size (columns, lines) definition Window
US ( K <Function 3> Slideshow selection Window
US ( K <Function 4> Selection of slideshow screen switching time Window
US ( L Set graphics data Bit Image
US ( L <Function 51> Transmit the remaining capacity of the NV graphics memory Bit Image
US ( L <Function 52> Transmit the remaining capacity of the download graphics memory Bit Image
US ( L <Function 64> Transmit the key code list for defined NV graphics Bit Image
US ( L <Function 65> Delete all NV graphics data Bit Image
US ( L <Function 74> Define the NV graphics data (image data format) Bit Image
US ( L <Function 75> Display the NV graphics Bit Image
US ( L <Function 80> Transmit the key code list for defined download graphics Bit Image
US ( L <Function 81> Delete all download graphics data Bit Image
US ( L <Function 82> Cancel download graphics data Bit Image
US ( L <Function 90> Define the download graphics data (image data format) Bit Image
US ( L <Function 91> Display the download graphics Bit Image
US ( L <Function 127> Delete the display graphics data Bit Image
US ( M Customize display Auxiliary function
US ( M <Function 1> Saves the setting values stored in the work area to the storage area. Auxiliary function
US ( M <Function 2> Loads the setting values stored in the storage area to the work area. Auxiliary function
US ( M <Function 3> Specifies the setting values of the work area for initial processing. Auxiliary function
US ( N Select code conversion method Customize
US ( N <Function 48> Select type of character encoding Customize
US ( N <Function 60> Set font priority Customize
US ( k Set and display the symbol 2D Code
US ( k <Function 165> QR Code: Select the code type and model 2D Code
US ( k <Function 167> QR Code: Set the size of module 2D Code
US ( k <Function 169> QR Code: Select the error correction level 2D Code
US ( k <Function 180> QR Code: Store the data in the symbol storage area 2D Code
US ( k <Function 181> QR Code: Encode and display the symbol data in the symbol storage area 2D Code
US ( k <Function 182> Transmit the size information of the symbol data in the symbol storage area 2D Code
US ( k <Function 196> QR Code: Delete the displayed symbol image data 2D Code
US , Display comma Character Displaying
US . Display period Character Displaying
US : Start/end macro definition Execute macro
US ; Display semicolon (period + comma) Character Displaying
US @ Execute self-test Auxiliary function
US B Move cursor to bottom position Display position
US C Turn cursor display mode on/off Character Displaying
US E Set display screen blink interval Character Displaying
US T Set and display counter (time) Character Displaying
US U Display counter (time) Character Displaying
US X Brightness adjustment Auxiliary function
US ^ Execute macro Execute macro
US r Turn reverse mode on/off Character Displaying
US v Status confirmation by DTR signal Auxiliary function

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ESC/POS® includes patented or patent pending commands. The contents must not be disclosed to third parties.

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