Command Notation


Shows the name of the command.


Shows the code sequence. [ ] k indicates the contents in brackets [] should be repeated k times.
The first row titled "ASCII" shows the sequence with ASCII characters, names of control code, or names of parameter.
The second row titled "Hex" shows it with hexadecimal numbers or names of variable parameter.
The third row titled "Decimal" shows it with decimal numbers or names of variable parameter.


Shows the allowable range of each parameter like "n = 0, 1, 3 – 6, 10".
The en-dash ("–") between numerals joins numbers in a range. For instance, "3 – 6" indicates 3, 4, 5 and 6.


Shows the default value of each parameter.


Describes the function of the command.
The minus ("−") in tables indicates 0 or 1.


Provides important information on setting and using the command, if necessary.
Model specific information of selected products is shown after the above.

Parameter notation

  • Parameters are shown in bold italics.
  • Typical parameter notations are as follows:
    • n specifies 1 byte parameter in the range 0 – 255.
    • pL, pH specify the number of parameters after pH as (pL + pH × 256) in the range 1 – 65535.

Value notation

  • Numerical values are expressed in a hexadecimal, a decimal, or a binary format.
  • The hexadecimal notation has suffix 'h', and the binary notation has suffix 'B' except in a Bit value table.
  • Example: 10h, A6h, FFh, 00010000b, 10100110b, 11111111b
  • 'x' in a binary notation indicates the bit is '0' or '1'.
  • Example: 0xxx1xxxb

Quick Access

  • [Name]
  • [Format]
  • [Range]
  • [Description]
  • [Notes]

ESC/POS® includes patented or patent pending commands. The contents must not be disclosed to third parties.

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