Commands in Code Order

HT Horizontal tab Print Position
LF Print and line feed Print
FF (in Page mode) Print and return to Standard mode (in Page mode) Print
FF (in Standard mode) End job (in Standard mode) Print
CR Print and carriage return Print
DLE EOT Transmit real-time status Status
DLE ENQ Send real-time request to printer Miscellaneous
DLE DC4 (fn=1) Generate pulse in real-time Miscellaneous
DLE DC4 (fn=2) Execute power-off sequence Miscellaneous
DLE DC4 (fn=3) Sound buzzer in real-time Miscellaneous
DLE DC4 (fn=7) Transmit specified status in real time Miscellaneous
DLE DC4 (fn=8) Clear buffer(s) Miscellaneous
CAN Cancel print data in Page mode Character
ESC FF Print data in Page mode Print
ESC SP Set right-side character spacing Character
ESC ! Select print mode(s) Character
ESC $ Set absolute print position Print Position
ESC % Select/cancel user-defined character set Character
ESC & Define user-defined characters Character
ESC ( A Control beeper tones Miscellaneous
ESC ( A <fn=48> Beep the buzzer Miscellaneous
ESC ( A <fn=97> Model specific buzzer control (fn=97) Miscellaneous
ESC ( A <fn=98> Model specific buzzer control (fn=98) Miscellaneous
ESC ( A <fn=99> Model specific buzzer control (fn=99) Miscellaneous
ESC ( Y Specify batch print Miscellaneous
ESC * Select bit-image mode Bit Image
ESC - Turn underline mode on/off Character
ESC 2 Select default line spacing Line Spacing
ESC 3 Set line spacing Line Spacing
ESC < Return home Mech. Control
ESC = Select peripheral device Miscellaneous
ESC ? Cancel user-defined characters Character
ESC @ Initialize printer Miscellaneous
ESC D Set horizontal tab positions Print Position
ESC E Turn emphasized mode on/off Character
ESC G Turn double-strike mode on/off Character
ESC J Print and feed paper Print
ESC K Print and reverse feed Print
ESC L Select Page mode Miscellaneous
ESC M Select character font Character
ESC R Select an international character set Character
ESC S Select Standard mode Miscellaneous
ESC T Select print direction in Page mode Print Position
ESC U Turn unidirectional print mode on/off Mech. Control
ESC V Turn 90° clockwise rotation mode on/off Character
ESC W Set print area in Page mode Print Position
ESC \ Set relative print position Print Position
ESC a Select justification Print Position
ESC c 3 Select paper sensor(s) to output paper-end signals Paper Sensor
ESC c 4 Select paper sensor(s) to stop printing Paper Sensor
ESC c 5 Enable/disable panel buttons Panel Button
ESC d Print and feed n lines Print
ESC e Print and reverse feed n lines Print
ESC i (∗) Partial cut (one point left uncut) Mech. Control
ESC m (∗) Partial cut (three points left uncut) Mech. Control
ESC p Generate pulse Miscellaneous
ESC r Select print color Character
ESC t Select character code table Character
ESC u (∗) Transmit peripheral device status Status
ESC v (∗) Transmit paper sensor status Status
ESC { Turn upside-down print mode on/off Character
FS ! Select print mode(s) for Kanji characters Kanji
FS & Select Kanji character mode Kanji
FS ( A Select Kanji character style(s) Kanji
FS ( A <fn=48> Select Kanji character font Kanji
FS ( C Select code conversion method Character
FS ( C <fn=48> Select character encode system Character
FS ( C <fn=60> Set font priority Character
FS ( E Group of commands for receipt enhancement control Miscellaneous
FS ( E <fn=60> Cancel set values for top/bottom logo printing Miscellaneous
FS ( E <fn=61> Transmit set values for top/bottom logo printing Miscellaneous
FS ( E <fn=62> Set top logo printing Miscellaneous
FS ( E <fn=63> Set bottom logo printing Miscellaneous
FS ( E <fn=64> Make extended settings for top/bottom logo printing Miscellaneous
FS ( E <fn=65> Enable/disable top/bottom logo printing Miscellaneous
FS ( L Select label and black mark control function(s) Printing Paper
FS ( L <fn=33> Paper layout setting Printing Paper
FS ( L <fn=34> Paper layout information transmission Printing Paper
FS ( L <fn=48> Transmit the positioning information Printing Paper
FS ( L <fn=65> Feed paper to the label peeling position Printing Paper
FS ( L <fn=66> Feed paper to the cutting position Printing Paper
FS ( L <fn=67> Feed paper to the print starting position Printing Paper
FS ( L <fn=80> Paper layout error special margin setting Printing Paper
FS ( e Enable/disable Automatic Status Back (ASB) for optional functions (extended status) Status
FS - Turn underline mode on/off for Kanji characters Kanji
FS . Cancel Kanji character mode Kanji
FS 2 Define user-defined Kanji characters Kanji
FS ? Cancel user-defined Kanji characters Kanji
FS C Select Kanji character code system Kanji
FS S Set Kanji character spacing Kanji
FS W Turn quadruple-size mode on/off for Kanji characters Kanji
FS g 1 (∗) Write to NV user memory Customize
FS g 2 (∗) Read from NV user memory Customize
FS p (∗) Print NV bit image Bit Image
FS q (∗) Define NV bit image Bit Image
GS ! Select character size Character
GS $ Set absolute vertical print position in Page mode Print Position
GS ( A Execute test print Miscellaneous
GS ( C Edit NV user memory Customize
GS ( C <fn=0> Delete the specified record Customize
GS ( C <fn=1> Store the data in the specified record Customize
GS ( C <fn=2> Transmit the data in the specified record Customize
GS ( C <fn=3> Transmit capacity of the NV user memory currently being used Customize
GS ( C <fn=4> Transmit the remaining capacity of the NV user memory Customize
GS ( C <fn=5> Transmit the key code list Customize
GS ( C <fn=6> Delete all data in the NV user memory Customize
GS ( D Enable/disable real-time command Miscellaneous
GS ( E Set user setup commands Customize
GS ( E <fn=1> Change into the user setting mode Customize
GS ( E <fn=2> End the user setting mode session Customize
GS ( E <fn=3> Change the memory switch Customize
GS ( E <fn=4> Transmit the settings of the memory switch Customize
GS ( E <fn=5> Set the customized setting values Customize
GS ( E <fn=6> Transmit the customized setting values Customize
GS ( E <fn=7> Copy the user-defined page Customize
GS ( E <fn=8> Define the data (column format) for the character code page Customize
GS ( E <fn=9> Define the data (raster format) for the character code page Customize
GS ( E <fn=10> Delete the data for the character code page Customize
GS ( E <fn=11> Set the configuration item for the serial interface Customize
GS ( E <fn=12> Transmit the configuration item for the serial interface Customize
GS ( E <fn=13> Set the configuration item for the Bluetooth interface Customize
GS ( E <fn=14> Transmit the configuration item for the Bluetooth interface Customize
GS ( E <fn=15> Set conditions for USB interface communication Customize
GS ( E <fn=16> Transmit conditions for USB interface communication Customize
GS ( E <fn=48> Delete the paper layout Customize
GS ( E <fn=49> Set the paper layout Customize
GS ( E <fn=50> Transmit the paper layout information Customize
GS ( E <fn=51> Set the control for label paper and paper with black marks Customize
GS ( E <fn=52> Transmit the control settings for label paper and paper with black marks Customize
GS ( E <fn=99> Set internal buzzer patterns Customize
GS ( E <fn=100> Transmit internal buzzer patterns Customize
GS ( H Request transmission of response or status Customize
GS ( H <fn=48> Specifies the process ID response Customize
GS ( H <fn=49> Specifies the offline response Miscellaneous
GS ( K Select print control method(s) Miscellaneous
GS ( K <fn=48> Select the print control mode 2D Code
GS ( K <fn=49> Select the print density 2D Code
GS ( K <fn=50> Select the print speed 2D Code
GS ( K <fn=97> Select the number of parts for the thermal head energizing 2D Code
GS ( L / GS 8 L Set graphics data 2D Code
GS ( L <fn=48> Transmit the NV graphics memory capacity Bit Image
GS ( L <fn=49> Set the reference dot density for graphics Bit Image
GS ( L <fn=50> Print the graphics data in the print buffer Bit Image
GS ( L <fn=51> Transmit the remaining capacity of the NV graphics memory Bit Image
GS ( L <fn=52> Transmit the remaining capacity of the download graphics memory Bit Image
GS ( L <fn=64> Transmit the key code list for defined NV graphics Bit Image
GS ( L <fn=65> Delete all NV graphics data Bit Image
GS ( L <fn=66> Delete the specified NV graphics data Bit Image
GS ( L / GS 8 L <fn=67> Define the NV graphics data (raster format) Bit Image
GS ( L / GS 8 L <fn=68> Define the NV graphics data (column format) Bit Image
GS ( L <fn=69> Print the specified NV graphics data Bit Image
GS ( L <fn=80> Transmit the key code list for defined download graphics Bit Image
GS ( L <fn=81> Delete all download graphics data Bit Image
GS ( L <fn=82> Delete the specified download graphics data Bit Image
GS ( L / GS 8 L <fn=83> Define the download graphics data (raster format) Bit Image
GS ( L / GS 8 L <fn=84> Define the download graphics data (column format) Bit Image
GS ( L <fn=85> Print the specified download graphics data Bit Image
GS ( L / GS 8 L <fn=112> Store the graphics data in the print buffer (raster format) Miscellaneous
GS ( L / GS 8 L <fn=113> Store the graphics data in the print buffer (column format) Bit Image
GS ( M Customize printer control value(s) Bit Image
GS ( M <fn=1> Save the setting values from the work area into the storage area Bit Image
GS ( M <fn=2> Load the setting values stored in the storage area to the work area Customize
GS ( M <fn=3> Select the setting values loaded to the work area after the initialization process Customize
GS ( N Select character effects Customize
GS ( N <fn=48> Select character color Customize
GS ( N <fn=49> Select background color Character
GS ( N <fn=50> Turn shading mode on/off Character
GS ( P Page mode control Character
GS ( P <fn=48> Set the printable area in Page mode Character
GS ( Q Commands for drawing graphics Miscellaneous
GS ( Q <fn=48> Draw line Miscellaneous
GS ( Q <fn=49> Draw rectangle Miscellaneous
GS ( V Specify paper cut Mech. Control
GS ( V <fn=48> Paper cut Mech. Control
GS ( V <fn=49> Paper feed and cut Mech. Control
GS ( V <fn=51> Paper cut reservation Mech. Control
GS ( k Set up and print the symbol Miscellaneous
GS ( k <fn=065> PDF417: Set the number of columns in the data region Miscellaneous
GS ( k <fn=066> PDF417: Set the number of rows 2D Code
GS ( k <fn=067> PDF417: Set the width of the module 2D Code
GS ( k <fn=068> PDF417: Set the row height 2D Code
GS ( k <fn=069> PDF417: Set the error correction level 2D Code
GS ( k <fn=070> PDF417: Select the options 2D Code
GS ( k <fn=080> PDF417: Store the data in the symbol storage area 2D Code
GS ( k <fn=081> PDF417: Print the symbol data in the symbol storage area 2D Code
GS ( k <fn=082> PDF417: Transmit the size information of the symbol data in the symbol storage area 2D Code
GS ( k <fn=165> QR Code: Select the model 2D Code
GS ( k <fn=167> QR Code: Set the size of module 2D Code
GS ( k <fn=169> QR Code: Select the error correction level 2D Code
GS ( k <fn=180> QR Code: Store the data in the symbol storage area 2D Code
GS ( k <fn=181> QR Code: Print the symbol data in the symbol storage area 2D Code
GS ( k <fn=182> QR Code: Transmit the size information of the symbol data in the symbol storage area 2D Code
GS ( k <fn=265> MaxiCode: Select the mode 2D Code
GS ( k <fn=280> MaxiCode: Store the data in the symbol storage area 2D Code
GS ( k <fn=281> MaxiCode: Print the symbol data in the symbol storage area 2D Code
GS ( k <fn=282> MaxiCode: Transmit the size information of the symbol data in the symbol storage area 2D Code
GS ( k <fn=367> 2-dimensional GS1 DataBar: Set the width of the module 2D Code
GS ( k <fn=371> 2-dimensional GS1 DataBar: GS1 DataBar Expanded Stacked maximum width setting 2D Code
GS ( k <fn=380> 2-dimensional GS1 DataBar: Store data in the symbol storage area 2D Code
GS ( k <fn=381> 2-dimensional GS1 DataBar: Print the symbol data in the symbol storage area 2D Code
GS ( k <fn=382> 2-dimensional GS1 DataBar: Transmit the size information of the symbol data in the symbol storage area 2D Code
GS ( k <fn=467> Composite Symbology: Set the width of the module 2D Code
GS ( k <fn=471> Composite Symbology: GS1 DataBar Expanded Stacked maximum width setting 2D Code
GS ( k <fn=472> Composite Symbology: Select HRI character font 2D Code
GS ( k <fn=480> Composite Symbology: Store the data in the symbol storage area 2D Code
GS ( k <fn=481> Composite Symbology: Print the symbol data in the symbol storage area Miscellaneous
GS ( k <fn=482> Composite Symbology: Transmit the size information of the symbol data in the symbol storage area 2D Code
GS ( k <fn=566> Aztec Code: Set the number of mode types and data layers Miscellaneous
GS ( k <fn=567> Aztec Code: Set the size of the module Miscellaneous
GS ( k <fn=569> Aztec Code: Set the error correction level 2D Code
GS ( k <fn=580> Aztec Code: Store the data in the symbol storage area 2D Code
GS ( k <fn=581> Aztec Code: Print the symbol data in the symbol storage area 2D Code
GS ( k <fn=582> Aztec Code: Transmit the size information of the symbol data in the symbol storage area 2D Code
GS ( k <fn=666> DataMatrix: Set the symbol type, number of columns, number of rows 2D Code
GS ( k <fn=667> DataMatrix: Set the size of the module 2D Code
GS ( k <fn=680> DataMatrix: Store the data in the symbol storage area 2D Code
GS ( k <fn=681> DataMatrix: Print the symbol data in the symbol storage area 2D Code
GS ( k <fn=682> DataMatrix: Transmit the size information of the symbol data in the symbol storage area 2D Code
GS * (∗) Define downloaded bit image Bit Image
GS / (∗) Print downloaded bit image Bit Image
GS : Start/end macro definition Macro Function
GS B Turn white/black reverse print mode on/off Character
GS C 0 (∗) Select counter print mode Counter Printing
GS C 1 (∗) Select count mode (A) Counter Printing
GS C 2 (∗) Set counter Counter Printing
GS C ; (∗) Select count mode (B) Counter Printing
GS D Specify Windows BMP graphics data Bit Image
GS D <fn=67> Define Windows BMP NV graphics data Bit Image
GS D <fn=83> Define Windows BMP download graphics data Bit Image
GS H Select print position of HRI characters Barcode
GS I Transmit printer ID Miscellaneous
GS L Set left margin Print Position
GS P Set horizontal and vertical motion units Miscellaneous
GS Q 0 (∗) Print variable vertical size bit image Bit Image
GS T Set print position to the beginning of print line Print Position
GS V Select cut mode and cut paper Mech. Control
GS W Set print area width Print Position
GS \ Set relative vertical print position in Page mode Print Position
GS ^ Execute macro Macro Function
GS a Enable/disable Automatic Status Back (ASB) Status
GS b Turn smoothing mode on/off Character
GS c (∗) Print counter Counter Printing
GS f Select font for HRI characters Barcode
GS g 0 Initialize maintenance counter Miscellaneous
GS g 2 Transmit maintenance counter Miscellaneous
GS h Set barcode height Barcode
GS j Enable/disable Automatic Status Back (ASB) for ink Status
GS k Print barcode Barcode
GS r Transmit status Status
GS v 0 (∗) Print raster bit image Bit Image
GS w Set barcode width Barcode
GS z 0 Set online recovery wait time Miscellaneous
(∗):  Obsolete Command

ESC/POS® includes patented or patent pending commands. The contents must not be disclosed to third parties.

ESC/POS® Command Reference for TM Printers

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