Preparing to Scan to Computer Feature

This section explains how to save scanned images to a connected computer.

Necessary Operations

Operation Location


1. Install the software on your computer and connect the printer to your computer

(This is unnecessary if you installed the software connected during setup)

Printer and computer

Perform the following operations.

  • Install the necessary software on your computer

    ·Document Capture Pro (Windows) / Document Capture (Mac OS)

    ·Epson Scan 2

  • Connect the printer to the computer

You can setup the printer using the installer.

Making Settings for Connecting to the Computer

2. Create a job in Document Capture Pro/Document Capture and assign it to the control panel


There is a preset job that saves scanned images as PDFs. See the following if you want to register additional jobs.


Access the latest Document Capture Pro manual from the following URL.

Mac OS:

See the Document Capture help for details on the features.

3. Scan from the control panel

Printer's control panel

Perform scanning from the control panel.

Scanning Originals to a Computer