Preparing to Scan to Network Folder/FTP Feature

This section uses making settings for Network Folder (SMB) as an example.

Necessary Operations

Operation Location


1. Connect the printer to the network

(This is unnecessary if you connected to the network during setup)

Printer and computer

Connect the printer to the network.

Connecting the Printer to the Network

2. Create a network folder


Create a folder to save the scanned image. Create a folder on a computer on your network, and then set the folder to be shared.

Creating a Network Folder

3. Register the folder in Contacts

Computer (Web Config) or the printer's control panel

Register the created network folder in the printer's Contacts. This allows you to select the destination from Contacts without having to enter the destination folder path when scanning.

Contacts Registration

4. Scan from the control panel

Printer's control panel

Perform scanning from the control panel.

Scanning Originals to a Network Folder