This option allows you to access additional features on Document Capture Pro. By purchasing a license, you can access the following features.
See the Document Capture Pro help for details.
DCP Enhanced OCR does not support Windows Server and Mac OS.
Additional save formats:
You can select Microsoft® Word, Microsoft®Excel®, and Microsoft® PowerPoint® as the file format.
High-quality conversion feature (Searchable PDF):
You can access even higher quality conversion features using searchable PDFs.
Additional user-defined indexes:
You can create a user-defined index when creating a job. You can set a user-defined index based on barcodes or OCR, and output it as index data.
Additional options for outputting index items:
The following options are added to index settings when creating a job.
Index Separation > Document
You can save the index in units of the image file to be output.
File Name > File Name
You can also add the file name of the scanned image to the index file.